Family Therapy


Family dynamics are complicated. They are constantly changing and evolve over time as the family circumstances naturally change. Family therapy is an effective way to improve the way your family communicated and can set up healthy patterns that will last a lifetime. Power struggles between family members happen in every family, but there are times when seeking professional family therapy is called for, such as when:

  • You or your child have experienced trauma

  • Your family has difficulty showing respect, kindness, or appreciation to one another

  • Your family has experienced illness or death

  • One or more of your family members is dealing with an addiction or mental health symptoms

  • Your family has or will experience divorce or separation

  • You have re-married and desire help integrating your families

  • You want help with better parenting strategies

As family therapists, we join closely with families by listening and working together with them as they navigate specific challenges and everyday life occurrences. We provide families, across the lifespan, tools to navigate their meshed relationships and the challenges they face. Whether your family includes your spouse and your children, you and your children, or you and your aging parents, we are here to help you understand each other better and learn to move forward with mutual love and respect.